in memoriam: Holga 120 GCFN

Those pictures were taken by my first analogue camera. First experience using film. I don't care people said that it is an old school. It's not old. It's classic.

I just lived with her (don't you think that Holga is a name of a girl? Hehe, i'm forced) for about two months. I couldn't stand with her "food". She must fed by 120 mm film. 30k for only 12 pictures. Huhu.

So, i try to look for friend who look for her. Then i met the freak-analogue one. Ridwan. We are in the same club of Lomonesia Bandung. Then, i sold it to him. It was sad. 

In the next months, i bought camera again from my friend, Oki. red Fish Eye no 1 :D

Just don't think about what kind of your camera is. Just shoot don't think! LONG LIVE ANALOGUE!


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